Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day. I feel sorry for my hubby. I woke up with a migraine and it was one of those migraines that made me feel sick and just plain horrible. I was moody the whole day. But I stuck it out. We had church and my son was supposed to speak in Primary but refused to. I had to teach a class in Relief Society and was excited to but nervous because I was afraid I was either going to get sick right there or that I was gong to pass out. But I think it went well. I am just glad that it is gone and I am back to normal.

I think my headaches have a lot to do with the heat here. I was talking to my Grandma on Saturday and she said it seemed like it was cold one day and then 90 degree weather the next. That is almost the truth. We did have a few hot days in between but for the most part it was cold and then HOT. I gotta make sure I drink LOTS of water since I am no longer used to this heat.

So, Saturday we got to spend the day with my parents, sister and her family. It was wonderful but busy crazy. We went out to lunch and my sister and I gave our mom her Mother's Day gift. I was so excited to give her her present because it was stamp she has been wanting for a long time. You can find it here.

My husband was wonderful yesterday. Since he knew I had a headache he gave me my Mother's Day present before church. A heating pad like the one that got burnt in the microwave when I threw my back out in January. It worked wonders for my headache. It has this wonderful aroma that just soothes my pain.

And the best thing is this. So, I am very cheap. Probably one of the cheapest people you may run into. I love the ATG gun that my sister loves but cannot bring myself to spending the money for it. Then my mom showed me an adhesive gun that she got for a fraction of the price. I liked it but didn't say much about it. But after making all those bookmarks for the ladies at church I would have loved to have one. So, I asked my mo where she got it and mentioned it to my hubby. He is so good about listening to what I say (well sometimes) and I got it. I am so happy and cannot wait to play with it. See, since I had a migraine yesterday I wasn't able to play but you better believe I am going to today.

So, be sure to come back tomorrow and see the goodies I was able to make with it. I do have a notecard that is almost finished so I will be sure have that to post tomorrow. See you then.

Thanks for stopping by!!!



Elizabeth S. said...

Sorry to hear that you had a migraine on Mother's Day :(
That is good that you got your adhesive gun. Can't wait to see what you do and hear what you think of it. Have a great day!!

Lorie said...

Awww, darn it! I'm sorry you didn't feel well. Sounds like your hubby really keyed into that though and gave you some extra care. Good for him!

I had to speak FOUR times at church on Sunday. I'm still standing though so I guess I made it through.

Have a good week Missy!