Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Hello everyon!!! I have written this post 3 times now and it seems my computer doesn't like it. I am going to keep this short for you. That way you don't have as much to read as well.

This is the first scrapbook page I have done in a long time. I am still not happy with how I do scrapbook pages but I keep doing it so that my boys will always have something to remind them of when they were young. Something they can show their kids and grandkids about their lives. I hope that like their books as much I have had making them.

Thanks for stopping by!!!



Elizabeth S. said...

I like this page. It will be a great memory for him.

Lorie said...

Well, I think it is great and you are right...it is all about the remembering the time in the future so...good job!